Meet Lani

Lani has always aggressively worked towards her goals.   As she began her career in education, she absolutely loved teaching.  She started to realize that classroom management is an area that everyone seemed to be struggling with.  She dove into her craft and began working on her own classroom management, developing new systems.  After years of working, she realized she had to learn more to grow.  Lani left teaching in pursuit to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. 

Since getting her BCBA, Lani has worked in every classroom she could, supporting teachers in feeling empowered.  She's had the opportunity to innovate teacher coaching methods, support dozens of teachers, and create a full curriculum to help educators learn what they need to know about behavior.  Every teacher can benefit from knowing more about why their students do what they do.  So Lani set one goal:  To change the game for educators nationwide.  She works to cultivate confident, happy teachers with positive class cultures. Lani's passion for helping educators love their classrooms is unmatched. 

In her personal life, Lani loves coffee and oversized coffee mugs.  She is getting married very soon, and her pride and joy is a puppy named Boss.  She is a huge football fan (Georgia Bulldogs and Chicago Bears) and loves her Atlanta Braves.  In her spare time she loves reading, weightlifting, and getting outside. She's from a small town in Georgia, and now lives in the suburbs of Chicago.  She's currently learning how to do life in the snow.  She's a chatty Cathy, and is always willing to lend a hand.  Email her at [email protected] with whatever you need! 



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